Friday, December 16, 2016

2016-12-17- [星洲日报][副刊星云] 撰文-《黑白变——念心,种一个信仰》

2016-12-17 [星洲日报] [副刊星云] -《黑白变——念心,种一个信仰》


马金泉 撰文



2016年的11月,八场的演出迈出了它在本土第三次的重演。从5年前在吉隆坡表演艺术中心(klpac)首演的实验剧场, 移至到这次的大舞台,一切如水顺淌,游经国际艺术节的舞台,演练了重演的自若方圆。时间,果然是最好的养份,让过去青涩的我们也有了直圆不同的线条与面向。

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016



Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016



Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Black & White @ Variation Rerun 2016 - Photographs by Lum Heng 2

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Follow us at our instagram:

Wednesday, November 30, 2016




Photographed by Samantha Kam | 2016











Black & White @ Variation Rerun 2016 - Photographs by Lum Heng

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

Photographed by Lum Heng | 2016

马来西亚表演艺术界的惊叹号!A Masterpiece of the Time for Malaysia Performing Arts!

A Masterpiece of the Time for Malaysia Performing Arts!

Photographed on 2010

Black & White @ Variation Rerun 2016 - Photographs by Shawn Ng

Photographed by Shawn Ng | 2016

Photographed by Shawn Ng | 2016

Photographed by Shawn Ng | 2016
Photographed by Shawn Ng | 2016

Black & White @ Variation Rerun 2016 - Photographs by Shawn Ng

Monday, November 7, 2016

我们被大环境绑架了吗?Are we kidnapped by our Environment?




Thank you China Press for the interview on <Black and White @Variation>.

 Photographed on 2010    


Globe trotting and traipsing: The nature-inspired dance production, Black And White @ Variation by NST

Dua Space Dance Theatre’s main focus is tackling environmental issues, writes Loong Wai Ting.

Thank you New Straits Times for the article [Dance for Mother Nature] in New Sunday Times.


Photographed on 2010

Chapter 4: 黑界白界不分的家庭 A Family Where Black and White Is Tangled Up

A Family Where Black and White Is Tangled Up

是似非   白似黑

Conflict and discord arising from the bonds of family blood
How did ethics come to so confounded
In the grey area
Right seems to be wrong, White seems to be black
Everything is muddled and unclear
All wisdom is eroded and weak
 Photographed by LitHeng | 2016    


Betrayal and conflict among human being has swallowed our humanity. 
Using the members of a family as a media to bring out the corrupted nature.

 Photographed by LitHeng | 2016    

Black & White Rerun 2016 (Full Trailer)

In conjunction with the "Eco Art Festival" organized by Nets Group Malaysia, Dua Space Dance Theatre rerun "Black & White @ Variation" for the third time this November 2016.

This work of contemporary dance invokes deep reflection on the issue of ‘returning to innocence’, while conveying a moving message on the erosion of ethical values and the reckless damage to Mother Nature.

As grim realities of the constantly occurring calamities haunt us, this work seeks to deliver a message: in the face of all these disasters, what can we do about our future? Using the subtle power of the stage, Dua Space Dance Theatre sends a silent appeal to the audience against the recklessness and selfishness of our darker nature has inflicted on Mother Nature, and urges us to strive for higher ideals of morality and ethics. Hence, humanity and environment are the main quests of this creation.

共享空间专业舞团将第三次重演舞蹈作品《黑白变》。而这次我们非常荣幸地能够配合Nets Group Malaysia举办的绿化地球运动"Eco Art Festival" 共同把人文企业与生态环境共生共善的理念与众人分享。



Ticket Open Sales for:
17 November 2016 (Thursday), 8:30 p.m.
18 November 2016 (Friday), 8:30 p.m.
20 November 2016 (Sunday), 3 p.m.

Contact us:
Aldus Lee 018-207 1005 /
Samantha Kam 018-207 2006 /
Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-8070 0890

Thursday, November 3, 2016

20161103 [星洲日报] [艺文周报] [黑白变为世界种一颗种子]

20161103 [星洲日报] [艺文周报] [黑白变为世界种一颗种子]
Published on SinChew Daily, 03/11/2016

Plant A Seed For The World

撰文 马金泉
Written by Anthony Meh Kim Chuan









《黑白变》第三次重演,配合Nets Group Malaysia举办的绿化地球运动“Eco Art Festival”,共同把人文企业与生态环境共生共善的理念与众人分享;回到首演的场地,宛如回到母体,聆听5年前的初心。


The first performance was an appeal of environmental protection.
The second was due to the overwhelming audience demand.

Now, the third time, we have the dance and also the audience, but we wish to plant a seed.

A dance piece can accompany a dance company, a group of dancers, and also the creators to rethink about its meaning after every performance. It opens up our senses, our eyes, our ears and even our bodies to take in the soft voices from the earth and inhale the emotions present  in the atmosphere.

A simple creation has become a blessing for us five years after it was created.

Since the premier of 'Black & White @ VARIATION' in Malaysia, it has been performed at a few festivals locally and abroad. Most of the time, it seems to be undergoing a ritual of internal evolution. Everytime when the music plays, the same steps find their new interpretations with a different environment.

During our tour in India, we sat and meditated under a huge tree at Pondicherry where director Ang Lee shot 'Life if Pi'. While listening to the whispering wind with eyes shut and smelling the scent of warm breath arising from the earth, a beautiful primitive scene appeared in our minds. We noticed that people there have great faith in Zen and meditation, and they have immense respect towards flora and fauna in Nature. This triggered us to reflect on the piece, advancing it from an appeal of environmental issues to a soft touch of greening the minds and souls of human beings.

The piece was invited to perform in Beijing International Dance Festival too. We still remember the time when we landed in Beijing, it was the most severe storm the city had ever experienced. Roads were flooded and the plane had to circle in the sky for hours. When we finally managed to leave the airport, the city was inundated in pools of water. Although it washed away its infamous sandstorm, what we saw in Beijing extended the width and depth of the understanding that the creation of the dance could explore.

Also recent floods in Malaysia, especially the impactful ones in Kuala Krai and Gua Musang of Kelantan gave us intense messages too.

As we perform this creation in India, Philippines, China and Taiwan, the seed of this third performance sprouted along the tour. We had seen people living harmoniously with the environment along this journey and we believe that artistic creation can bring everyone closer to the seeds in their hearts, nourish them, germinate them.

Dua Space Dance Theatre is performing the full-length version of 'Black & White @ VARIATION' for the third time and we are very glad to partner with Nets Group Malaysia in conjunction with their Eco Art Festival to spread the idea of redirecting the economy toward the community, environment and a sustainable future.

This time, 'Black & White @ VARIATION' is back to where it was premiered, as if returning to the womb, relooking at the creation's initial intention. We will never forget our initial intention of developing arts in Malaysia, at the same time, we hope Seeds that can change the environment for a better future will be awakened!


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

《黑白变》载誉重演 Black & White @ VARIATION Rerun

A Masterpiece of the Time for Malaysia Performing Arts¬-- Black & White@VARIATION Rerun 2016!

Black & White @ VARIATION was an incredible combination of 
creativity, artistry, storytelling and technical proficiency.
---Malaysias 1st Dance Magazine Just Dance Magazine - Mok Shi-Lynn

Date & Venue:
10 November - 20 November @ Pentas 1, KLPAC!

Ticket Price:
RM30 / RM50 / RM80 / RM100

Ticket Open Sales for:
17 November 2016 (Thursday), 8:30 p.m.
18 November 2016 (Friday), 8:30 p.m.
20 November 2016 (Sunday), 3 p.m.

Contact us for Further Details:
Aldus Lee 李隆达 018-207 1005 /
Samantha Kam 甘芯怡 018-207 2006 /
 Dua Space Dance Theatre 03-8070 0890

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

白里的黑蛇 The Black Snake in the White

隐约的温湿   诡异

Cunningly, stealthily, coiled among the humid dampness
Armed with the razor sharpness of killing intent
With a blinding strike, the prey struggles no more

12.08.2016 Rehearsal: 黑白苹果 Black & White Apple

初始的美     丢了

It was white in the beginning
The fires of temptation burn intensely
Consuming and scorching our true natures
What was beautiful is now lost
All has darkened to black
Isn’t the choice in our own hands
In truth
It was already black from the very beginning


Based on the story of Adam and Eve, 
the progenitors of humankind, being driven out from idyllic Eden.
People start living on sad and sorrow thought,
entering grey, and more toward black side of humanity. 



Howard & KahLin.

Little & Mable.